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completeness theorem中文是什么意思

用"completeness theorem"造句"completeness theorem"怎么读"completeness theorem" in a sentence


  • 完全性定理


  • Two completeness theorems set - valued stochastic analysis
  • An algebraic proof of completeness theorem of first - order logic
  • This paper discusses the system mpm and mfm , constructs the normal form theories of mpm and its tableau system . the soundness and completeness theorem of the tableau system are also given
    本文建立了mp ~ m系统的范式理论,构造了其表推演系统,并证明了其可靠性和完备性。
  • In this thesis , the author just discusses horn clause sets , and gives how to transform horn clause set into neural network . go a step further , the author discusses how to get the learning algorithm of neural network that is equivalence with resolution principle , and proves completeness theorem and soundness theorem of the algorithm for resolution
用"completeness theorem"造句  


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